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Leadership Green Bay team makes impactful paper product donation to Freedom House

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GREEN BAY, Wis. – What started as a “small project” for Leadership Green Bay’s Class of 2025 team turned into a semi-truck full of essential paper products for Freedom House and other local non-profits, showcasing how community partnerships can create an unexpected impact.

“With our Leadership Green Bay program, we’re tasked with running two projects, one small-scale donation and a bigger project throughout the duration of the program,” explained Quinton Hammer, a member of the current Leadership Green Bay team.

Leadership Green Bay paper product donation

The idea began when Quinton, drawing from his childhood experiences of serving homeless shelters with his parents, connected with Freedom House through his full-time job at Rhyme printing who services the shelter’s printers. Through a fortunate chain of events, what was initially planned as a hygiene product donation evolved into something much larger when team member Mitch, an engineer at Georgia-Pacific, reached out to his connections.

“He sent us a picture of roughly 15 pallets and said, ‘Hey, here’s what Georgia-Pacific is willing to contribute as part of our donation,’” Quinton recalled. The generosity didn’t stop there as Georgia-Pacific warehouse staff continued adding to the donation, ultimately filling an entire semi-truck.

Jennifer Schmohe, Executive Director of Freedom House, was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the donation. “When we learned about Leadership Green Bay’s desire to help families in shelter, we were moved. We never expected the quantity of essential items donated. These paper products and household supplies will support resident families and help countless others as they transition from shelter to stable housing. It’s donations like these that remind us of the incredible generosity within our community.”

Leadership Green Bay team members Mitch from Georgia-Pacific and Quinton from Ryhme printing standing alongside Freedom House Executive Director Jennifer Schmohe

The project’s success stemmed from the diverse talents within the Leadership Green Bay’s team. While Quinton leveraged his sales experience and shelter connection, other team members brought their unique strengths—from Phillip securing transportation through McDonald Companies, to team members Mackenzie, Janelle, and Sara coordinating additional hygiene product collections and marketing materials.

“This is why we felt so energized and so proud of this project,” Quinton shared. “We understand that when we go home and have a busy day, we can take a shower, use soap, and have all the paper products at our fingertips without thinking about it. But for somebody coming into a new environment, having very little to nothing, just having these basic items helps them come to a sense of calmness.”

The project exemplified Leadership Green Bay’s mission of developing community leaders while making tangible impacts in the community. What makes this donation particularly significant is its focus on often-overlooked essential items that are crucial for maintaining dignity and comfort during challenging transitions.

Through this initiative, Leadership Green Bay’s Class of 2025 has demonstrated how collaborative efforts, and creative thinking can transform a “small project” into a substantial contribution that will benefit dozens of families working to achieve stable housing in the Green Bay community.

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